Vera Misham

artist & tea spiller


Name: Vera Misham
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Age: 22
Sexuality: Bi
Gender: Cis Woman

After many years of staying reclusive, Vera has finally decided to step out into the world. Still reeling from traumatic events from the past, she is doing her best to trust others and take care of herself in the process. Though very talented at forgeries, she sticks to original work now...usually. She finds solace in her art and in magical performances, and in the people who are kind to her.


  • Vera has adopted a pet chameleon she named Cosmo. She likes to have him "help" with her art.

  • As she is starting to go into the world, Vera begins to realize she may not be straight...but it took Regina for her to come to terms with it.

  • One of Vera’s secret talents is deciphering codes and messages - she spent a good few years of her childhood studying cryptology.

  • Secretly, Vera wishes she could be a magician too - but she’s very afraid of performing on stage.

  • Vera often overcompensates for her suspicions towards others by being just a touch too trusting.

  • Vera has PTSD and severe anxiety, but is currently receiving treatment that is very helpful.

  • As a child, Vera sometimes read the dictionary for fun. She hasn't retained any significant amount, but sometimes she'll pull out fancy vocabulary.

  • Inspired by Spark Brushel, she has started carrying around a small notebook to write down notes at all times for her upcoming tea videos.


The Manstoph Video
May 18, 2020
After witnessing the Olive Garden date between Kristoph and Valant, and the ensuing chaos with Retinz and Manfred, Vera decided it was her role to unleash the truth. Her method? Releasing a drama video titled EXPOSING THE TRUTH BEHIND THE MANSTOPH DRAMA, Vera had officially taken on the persona of "veratea" and a drama youtuber.

Phantom Edgeworth - "MIssing"
May 21-22, 2020
Noticing strange codes appearing, Vera began to decrypt them and realized something was very, very wrong. Working with Bruce Goodman, Datz Are'ble, and others, she helped to track down where the real Edgeworth was being held and expose the Phantom. However, in the process she made herself vulnerable to the Phantom, and has been on edge ever since.
Thread of Clues from Event

Trucy & Alina
May 25, 2020
After noticing strange encoded messages on Trucy's account and talking with the hacker for several days, vera found herself wrapped up in a vicious attack against trucy's life.

The wrong RED
June 1, 2020
Vera, angered by Red's recent attacks on her, took advantage of "dramageddon" for revenge. She accused Florist Miles of being Red, despite having no true evidence.

The Truth
July 10, 2020
Teaser Trailer
Someone's been lying. And Vera is not going to let them get away with it, no matter what the cost.

About the MUN

My name is Becca, she/her, and I’m 21 years old. I’m a theatre major - working primarily off-stage, directing and playwriting. I love Ace Attorney, Professor Layton, Zelda, and many, many more. Currently learning how to draw so that I don’t keep making my little sister do it for me! Main account is @trucygramaryeet, and I also run @judgejustinec and @irishawthorn.

Rules & Warnings

  • Please do not discuss weight-centered body image, antisemitism, or mass violence with me.

  • this account may contain discussion of serious themes, including murder, trauma, mental illness, alcohol use, and more.

  • if any assumptions i make about your muse don’t jive with your portrayal/interpretation, feel free to let me know/shift me in the right direction.

  • please avoid explicit nsfw. i will not be engaging in these types of rp’s.

  • At the moment, I am not interested in multiship for Vera, given her relationship with regina.

  • both muse and mun are 18+.

  • i use // for ooc and {} for actions. i also often use emojis, inspired by vera’s use of her sketchbook to display emotions.

  • my dm’s are open for long form rp’s or really anything!

  • if this account or anything i say makes you uncomfortable for any reason, feel free to let me know or simply block.


Regina Berry-Misham

Vera's wife. Regina has helped Vera immensely through helping her learn about the world and express herself brightly and happily. She is the sun to Vera's moon, and Vera is deeply, deeply in love.

Missy Cherisime

Missy is Vera's partner-in-tea, and one of her closest friends. She trusts and cares for Missy deeply, and credits her for getting through several rough patches as Veratea has continued to grow and shift. Vera could easily call her a best friend.

Athena Cykes

Vera is glad to have Athena as a friend. She wishes she could be as outgoing and energetic as Athena, recognizing that Athena has experienced a lot of trauma just like her. But she also appreciated how Athena gets her feelings even when she has trouble articulating them herself.

D'essence Delite

Vera got to know Dessie’s motorcycle after they turned human, but she considers them a friend. She wants to help them learn about the world now that they’re a human, just as people helped her to learn about the world when she started venturing out.

Miles edgeworth

Vera is glad to have Edgeworth as her honorary father, looking up to his kindness and affection. She wants nothing more than to make him proud, and worries that she may have tripped up in this journey. Nevertheless, she loves him dearly.

Maya Fey (@spiritmaya_txt)

Vera is endlessly grateful to Maya for her support and care. She looks up to Maya in her courage and vibrancy, and sees her as truly one of the coolest people around. She also loves to lightly tease others with Maya's support.

Klavier Gavin (@MusicalLAws)

Initially Vera was quite wary of Klavier (given his similar appearance to a certain other Gavin), but has warmed up to him quite a bit. She really appreciates his dedication to his art and sees how it reflects her own.

Bruce Goodman

After working with this kind ghost on the Phantom Edgeworth case, Vera has a lot of respect for the detective and feels she can trust him. She also likes to help out when he’s a bit clueless about things he has missed out on!

Simon Keyes (@keyeslovesyou)

Vera used to think of Simon as a friend, but now is rather wary of him due to the Florist-Red situation. Nevertheless, she deeply appreciates his help in getting a pet chameleon and hopes for reconciliation now that she and Regina are married.

Jude Harley (@jude_harley_)

Jude is Vera's little brother, whom she absolutely adores! She would do anything to make him happy, though she worries that he worries about her just a tad too much! She can't wait to see him grow up and realize just how incredible he is.

Thalassa justice

Not only is Thalassa an original member of Vera's old favorite magic troupe, but she's also one of Vera's favorite people in person. She deeply appreciates all that Thalassa does for her, and credits her for a lot of her growth in recent days.

Brian A. Parks

Brian is a good friend and a major source of support for Vera. She has noted how often he has been there for her in times of need, and hopes that she can provide that same care for him if he ever finds himself in trouble.


Red initially intrigued Vera, and the two had a playful and curious acquaintanceship for a while...until Red lashed out at Vera. Now, she has developed a near obsession with exposing Red, refusing to be overcome by a man in the shadows.

Ema Skye

Ema is a good friend of Vera's who has been there to support and uplift her in times of need. Vera appreciates her scientific ways of looking at the world, as they help her to rationalize things that otherwise are out of her reach.


Vera considers the stepladder a stepladder for one, and a friend for two. She appreciates their presence, and is very glad that the Ladder's dream of becoming human was able to come true due to her suggestion to ask Thalassa.

Clay/Celeste Terran (@finespacelover)

Vera is very glad to have Clay/Celeste as a friend! She loves sharing an interest in space, as well as LGBT solidarity. However, she often worries about his/her mental health, and wants to make sure he/she stays safe and happy as much as possible.

Phoenix wright (@pwattorney)

Vera sees Phoenix as a father figure, as the mythos of his position as a famous lawyer starts to fade away and reveal a complicated, flawed man in its place. She cares about him dearly.


Vera sees a lot of herself in the quirks and thoughts that he shares. This, in turn, makes her feel like she wants to help as much as possible, by sharing what has helped her get to where she is.

Trucy wright (@trucylovesyou)

Vera is quite proud to call Trucy a friend, because Trucy is essentially everything she's ever wanted to be. Cheerful? Outgoing? Strong? Magical?! Vera can hardly believe she's real - and that she likes talking to Vera, too.